System Sizing Estimator : Find out how many Batteries and Solar Panels you'll need. |
Calculate the number of solar panels & batteries you will require using simple one click choices using our System Sizing Estimator. A complete explanation of how to perform the calculations manually is also included. With just a few clicks the System Sizing Estimator will tell you quickly how many solar panels and batteries you'll need for a wide variety of system sizes.
Battery Bank Design Tool : Battery wiring made simple with just 4 clicks. |
Our Battery Bank Design Tool will take the confusion out of wiring up your battery bank. Use 2, 4, 6, or 12 volt batteries to build a system voltage of 12, 24, or 48 volts using series and parallel wiring with just 4 clicks. Battery bank capacities from 300 AmpHours to over 4000 AmpHours are displayed graphically so you can see exactly how to wire the batteries together.
Wire Size Calculator : Get full power by using the correct wire sizes. |
This Wire Size Calculator will allow you to quickly find the correct wire size by calculating the distance to your solar panel array & the amount of amperage used. No math required!
This small energy efficient home uses six 80 watt solar panels, a Trace 60 amp charge controller, a Trace 2500 watt true sine wave inverter and fifteen 105 AmpHour batteries. Click on the image for details and new updated pictures of Solar array. (Trace is now Xantrex)